Genealogy isn't something you do, it's something you love.
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Shriver, John
Shriver, John

This website was created to help foster the exchange of family stories and research so we will all have a better understanding and appreciation of our ancestors.

Contained within are vital records, digital images, and histories on surnames such as: Sanders, Johnson, Foy, Weber, Harper, Streff, Buchanan, Milner, Harvey, Morrill, McKenzie and many more.

This site is open to all who are interested in their family genealogy.

This is a biography about my great-grandparents, Edgar and Jennie Foy, told from the view of my grandmother, Margie Wood. They were Irish and German immigrants, who settled in the Midwest during the 1800's. It's compelling and rich in detail about the trials and tribulations, the successes and most importantly, the family. Through wars, depressions, disease, tornadoes, fires, crop failure, boom and bust, they lived that quintessential American dream. The search for our past is a never-ending journey, that we all must take, in our own way. Available in print and e-copy. All proceeds go to support continuing research for the Sanders Family Genealogy project.

Who Am I?

My name is Brian Sanders. I've been doing genealogy work since 1975, when I was 10 years old (you're never too young to start researching your ancestors). My ancestral roots are German, Irish, and English. My family were pioneers who settled much of the early territories / states, from Vermont, New York, Tennessee, Missouri, Illinois, Nebraska and Colorado. I can trace directly to ancestors on the Mayflower, veterans of American Revolutionary War, War of 1812, and American Civil War.

I also have 27+ years in the Computer, Semiconductor and Technology industry as an Engineer. I serve on the board of directors for the Arizona Education Scholarship Foundation and have a partnership in a software start-up company. I follow politics, enjoy outdoors, and am working on a book about the Sanders Family early settlers.

Enjoy your visit and be sure to join my mailing list for regular updates or you can follow me on Twitter or Facebook.

Contact Me
If you have any questions, comments or would like to share research, please contact me. I look forward to hearing from you.

Latest News
Nov 28 2011 - Added Featured section and Donate with paypal

Nov 27 2011 - Finished with the new look on website.

Nov 26 2011 - Added a few new features and new look to the site.

Nov 19 2011 - Created THATGenealogist twitter account - follow me!

Nov 19 2011 - Created Sanders Family Genealogy Facebook Page - be sure to LIKE it for updates!